Language Group : 1. Hindi 2. English, 3. Bengali, 4. Sanskrit,Science Group : 5. Life Science Social Science group : 6. Geography, 7. History,
Language Group : 1. Hindi
2. English,
3. Bengali,
4. Sanskrit,
Science Group : 5. Life Science
Social Science group : 6. Geography,
7. History,
Baba Saheb Ambedkar Education University (B.S.A.E.U.)
Syllabus of B.Ed. Course of Study
With effect from 2015-17
Detailed Course Structure
A. Foundations of Education
100 (80-written + 10 (tutorial – one from each paper) + 10 (test examination) ×3=300
Paper I. Philosophical Foundations of Education
Paper II. Sociological Foundations of Education
Paper III. Contemporary Issues and Development in Education
B. Pedagogical knowledge
100 (80 -written + 10 (tutorial - one from each paper + 10 (test examination)) ×5=500
Paper IV. Psychology of Learning
Paper V. Psychology of Instruction
Paper VI . Guidance & Counselling – Approaches & Strategies
Paper VII. School Organization and Management
Paper VIII. Educational Technology and Evaluation
C. Pedagogical Content Knowledge of School Subjects 100 (20 (Content) + 30 (Pedagogical
Analysis) + 50 (Methodology) ×2=200
Paper IX. School Subject 1
Paper X. School Subject 2
D. Practical Papers
Paper XI. Teaching practical (Method 1) 100
Paper XII. Teaching practical (Method 2) 100
Paper XIII. (a) Simulated / Micro Teaching 25×2=50
(b) Lab Practical / Text Book Review (Any Text-book from class VIII-IX / IX-X/
XI-XII as applicable) 50
For Text Book Review analyse the following (10×5=50)
a) Written according to the direction of the board
b) Written according to the curriculum
c) Language
d) Printing and get-up
e) Subject matter
Paper XIV. Sessional Activities 20×5=100
a) Co-curricular activities-Cultural activities, gardening, games, sports etc.
b) Educational outreach programme
c) Workshop-Based Activities or School-Based Activities –(any one)
WBA: Achievement Test Preparation or Administration of Psychological Test
SBA: Conducting a Case Study